make a concession

美 [meɪk ə kənˈseʃn]英 [meɪk ə kənˈseʃn]
  • 作出让步
make a concessionmake a concession
  1. If it still does not work , we can make a concession based on discussions .


  2. I am determined to do what I do not make a concession .


  3. For the purpose of sign the contract , we are ready to make a concession .


  4. Therefore , both speakers and hearers must make a concession so that the economy of language can be achieved finally .


  5. On the problem of relaxing " China difference ", Japan propelled America to make a concession and even abolishing " China difference " .


  6. If she wants to debate with me , I will make a concession that I am too assertive .


  7. Though the goddess in " shennvfu " is painful and distressed , she make a concession in face of reason and morality .


  8. We suggest you make a little concession in commission .


  9. If it 's over something small , sometimes it helps to make a small concession .


  10. We have decided to make a further concession of2 % in the hope that this will help you push the sale of our products .


  11. Continue to fight against the US and the West 's extrusion press and closing-in , but make a proper concession to avoid a face-to-face confrontation for the interest of its national security .


  12. To show our sincerity , we are prepared to make you a special concession of6 % .


  13. The author maintains that the joints of ankle , knee and hip should make support on their own initiative , instead of bending to make a concession .


  14. In order to make the business conclude , how about meeting each other half - way and each make a concession ?
